DVTk news update – May 2017

Dear All,
we are happy to inform you about the DVT tools release, which is now available for download. Also we would like to announce the winning submission of the new DVTk application icon contest. Curious? Take a look at this news update.
Release of the DVTK tools update
As announced in the previous DVTk news update, we released an update of the DVTk tool set, which is now
available for download!
This release :
- supports the new VR’s (OD, UR; Other Double, Universal Resource Identifier or Universal Resource Locator (URI/URL))
- is based on .NET 4.0, eliminating the need to install older .NET frameworks during installation
- runs on Windows 7/8/10
- contains a number of small bug fixes
Download the updated tools at this DVTk website.
If you have any suggestions or issues that you would like
to submit regarding one of the DVTk tools; please use the respective section of the DVTk forum.
New DVTk application icon
We would like to thank all of you that have participated and provided a submission regarding the application icon design contest!
A small group of DVTk users has voted and we are happy to announce the winning submission by.....
José Ragiwalla
Congratulations! The DVTk t-shirt is on its way!
The old application icon is replaced by the winning design. The new icon is now part of the release that you can download at the website.

Visit us at SIIM 2017

This year we are invited at SIIM 2017 to demonstrate the DVTk tools during the ‘CIIP War Tools: WireShark, DVTk, DICOM Anatomy, and SQL’ Learning Lab.
Friday June 2nd , from 1:15 pm – 3:15 pm, room 319-320.
By visiting us at SIIM 2017 you have the chance to see the latest version of the tools. Learn about functionality and practical application from those currently developing and maintaining the DVTk toolkit.
If you would like to meet during SIIM, let us know by using the contact form at the DVTk website.
Training and services
Training DICOM Fundamentals and DVTk applied | Training Mirth Connect Fundamentals | DICOM Consultancy | DICOM Verification & Validation |